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Policy Modeling Workshop

May 21, 2024


Policy Modeling meets Policy Practice A workshop during the Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM) 2024, May 21, American University, Washington D.C., USA by Prof. Dr. Petra Ahrweiler, Asst.-Prof. Dr. Taylor Anderson, Prof. Dr. Erik W. Johnston, Prof. Dr. Thoams Clemen, Dr. Andreas Tolk Participants representing policy practice: Mr. Ryan A. Riccucci, Mr. Duane M […]

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Latest publication: Raising Empathy & Awareness through perspective-taking in VR

May 27, 2024


The feeling of being classified: raising empathy and awareness for AI bias through perspective-taking in VR Ruben Schlagowski, Maurizio Volanti, Katharina Weitz, Silvan Mertes, Johanna Kuch and Elisabeth André In a world increasingly driven by AI systems, controversial use cases for AI that significantly affect people’s lives become more likely scenarios. Hence, increasing awareness of […]

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Policy Community Workshop

July 2, 2024 – July 3, 2024


Fairness aspects regarding the use of Artificial intelligence in asylum procedures and integration processes for refugees Policy Community Workshop of the research project “Artificial Intelligence for Assessment” (AI FORA) as part of the “European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness” (EWAF’24) 2.-3. July 2024, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz Download summary

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New Publication: A fantasy novel about using AI for public social service provision

July 20, 2024


Public administrations are increasingly using Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to decide on the provision of public social services such as unemployment benefits, pension entitlements, kindergarten places and social assistance to their citizens, hoping to achieve greater efficiency and objectivity.

Data profiles of citizens are analysed and assessed, and […]

New Publication: A fantasy novel about using AI for public social service provision Read More »